Ho Jae Lee, Christy Lee, Jason Bae, Suzy An, Moses Park , TaeJoon Kim
Eddie Montenegro, Jason Mulyadi, Simona Szabados, Zack Zheng ArtCenter College of Design
Justin Leung, Kim Ong, Ho Jae Lee, Yelim Lee
Kevin Alexander, Murphy Armitage, Suzan Babakhan, Louis Chang, Bryce Doerksen, Jin Young Jeong, Greg Kim, Nicholas Lai, Lily Li, Kai Nihara, Felix Soletić
Justin Leung, Kimberly Ong, Tiffany Wang
Justin Leung
Joseph Ahn, Joel Fenn, Jeesuk Kim, Jooae Kim, Yong H Kim, Richard Morales, Jorge Sandoval, Amy Wang, Edward Won
Kevin Alexander, James Lee, Jeannie Park
Joseph Ahn, Connie Kwon, Justin Leung, Emily Xie
Jorge Sandoval, Ella Yoon, Richard Morales, Jonah Lu, Jeesuk Kim
Ivan Cruz
Jeesuk Kim
Ivan Cruz, Micael Klok, Eunice Kim
Calvin Prieto, Michael Relth, Kenny Ceron, Max Groff, Jun Kwak
Doug Chang
Doug Chang
Micael Klok, Ivan Cruz, James Kim, Nguyen Do
Teodros Hailye, Esther Park, Steve Lee, Lamson To, Kevin Shin
Yelim Lee
Serena Jorif, Caroline Marks
Jasveer Sidhu and Erika Bird
Jasveer Sidhu
Felix Soletić
Kimberly Ong
Phllip Han, Felix Soletić, Tammy Szu
David Chen, Cynthia Lou
Jing Young Jeong, Yong H Kim, Nicholas Lai, Carolyn To
Nicole Choi, Claire Kang, Lois Kim, Charles Wang
Ivan Cruz, Eunice Kim, Alex Galanis, Ira Pietojo, Eugene Lee, Edmund Liang
David Chen, Lamson To, Claire Kang, Janice Ahn
Hyunmin Bae, Cheyoung Lynn Cho
Chris Wong, Andrew Tan, Michael Relth, Daniel Chang
Will Gooden, Ken Quemel, Max Groff
James Kim, Gürkan Erdenli, Ian Abando, Nadia Tzuo, Jason Yeh, Micael Klok
James Kim, Ivan Cruz, Micael Klok, Jeff Han, Kevin Heo
AJ Bae, Zach Eastburgh, Janice Ahn, Yoon Lee