Q: Who’s the educational leadership?

A: Chair: Sean Adams.  Managing Director: Steve Kim.  We also have Faculty Directors for each area-of-emphasis: transmedia, typography, branding, motion, print, visual interaction, and packaging. We have one of the strongest core of full-time faculty and one of the largest part-time faculty teams. We are all working as creative professionals.

Q: How big is the department?

A: The Graphic Design program is the second largest student body at ArtCenter. Our size and interaction between the graduate and undergraduate students benefits us with access to resources and a broad list of alumni. Despite our size, we take great pride in providing the most robust one-on-one advising to guide you through the curriculum.

Q: Do I have to take “foundational” classes within Gx?

 A: At ArtCenter we don’t offer a generic foundation program. Instead, you enter directly into the Graphic Design program. Our foundational classes are specific to Graphic Design and are the basis of your success. Students learn the basic tenets of concept, composition, layout, typography, use of imagery, etc. in the foundational terms. Once those skills have been attained, our students have the freedom and independence to focus on the areas-of-emphasis that interest them the most in their advanced terms.

Q: Can I transfer in credits from other schools?

A: When you submit your portfolio and transcripts for studio and liberal arts (general education) transfer consideration, the Admissions Department works closely with our Chair to award transfer credit where appropriate. We want to place you in just the right level so that you’re challenged, but not overwhelmed. Your studio credit possibilities are based on your portfolio as well as your transcript, while your liberal arts credits are evaluated directly from your transcripts(s).

Q: What are the areas of emphasis I can study?

After the 4th term in the undergraduate program, students can focus on different areas within the design profession: branding, print and typography, packaging, transmedia and experience, motion, and visual interaction. Some students focus on one, others several

Q: Are there scholarship opportunities?

A: Yes. ArtCenter offers scholarship opportunities for your incoming term. You’ll hold those funds for your entire time here as long as you maintain an eligible GPA and continue to show financial need, if you are an U.S. student. International students can also apply. Afterwards, as long as you maintain a 3.0 GPA, you can participate every term in our scholarship portfolio review for a chance at additional funds.

Q: What is my professional career outlook after I graduate?

A: Students graduating from ArtCenter have exceptionally high rates of professional success. Graduates from Gx in particular are highly sought-after by the most innovative corporations — by leading creative offices and by global brands alike: from Google to Uber, from IDEO to the United Nations.

Q: Can I visit your campus and the Graphic Design department?

A: Yes by all means, once we have clearance from LA County with COVID regulations! We will have tours M-F at 2:00 and counseling appointments with our admissions staff M-F. Call 626-396-2373. We will also invite you in to look at some great portfolios each term as our Gx students present their work in their scholarship reviews.

Q: Now I’m seriously interested — where do I go from here?

A: Please check out the Admissions tor a comprehensive plan of action.